Non Inclusive Growth – UPSC GS2

Why India’s Economic growth is not inclusive?
  • Rising hunger, according to the Global Hunger Index 2020 India ranks 94th amongst 107 countries.
  • Unhappiness: Indian citizens are amongst the least happy in the world. According to the World Happiness Report of the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network, India ranks 144th amongst 153 countries.
  • Rising Poverty: Pandemic has increased the inequality gap further by pushing many poor people into poverty. According to a World Bank report, during the pandemic the very rich became even richer. Whereas the number of poor people in India (with incomes of $2 or less a day) is estimated to have increased by 75 million.
  • Unsustainable economic growth: According to global assessments, India ranks 120 out of 122 countries in water quality, and 179 out of 180 in air quality.
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