India-China Tibet

Critically comment on the Chinese policy on Tibet, especially in the light of recent events where Tibetan supreme leader Dalai Lama has said that he would not reincarnate. (200 Words)

The Chinese have kept up with the policy of repression and saturating the ethnic Tibetans with Hun Chinese. Unlike the Indian policy of allowing tribal and north easterners to slowly integrate into the mainstream at their own pace, the Chinese have adopted the policy of assimilation that aims at uprooting the traditional culture of the minority community and replacing it wholesale with the mainstream one.
The unintended consequence of this policy has been mass uprising of Tibetans even against the well intentioned measures for government. The Uighers have taken to violence due to same policies, but Tibetans have kept their peace due to Dalai Lama’s urgings.
Chinese policy in Tibet has been to take over the temporal and spiritual powers of the Lama legacy by trying to impose government selected candidates. They opposed Dalai lama when he said that he wouldn’t reincarnate in his next birth. It was quixotic to see the atheist Chinese trying to force reincarnation of a religious head.
The Tibetans will have none of it and would most likely follow Dalai Lama’s instructions. The important thing to remember is that the will of the people has to be taken under account. China is no longer a communist nation in action. They are more of exploitative capitalists with a communist facade to keep their bosses in power. Unless power and freedom is divested to the locals, the trend of violence and opposition will continue despite the efforts of the government to force their own views.
Some analysts argue that the imminent crisis in India–China relations will come to the fore when the question of the Dalai Lama’s succession in Tibet can no longer be ignored. In your opinion, how should India try to resolve its differences with China? Critically comment in the light of the statement. (200 Words)
There some facts India must keep in mind in matter of Tibet:
  1. China is an atheistic state. CPC reacted furiously to the Dalai Lama’s suggestion that he may choose not to be reincarnated.
  2. Without the support of Western public opinion there would have been no independence movement in present day Tibet.
  3. Tibetan diaspora (especially overseas) represents the most obvious threat to long-term Chinese hegemony over Tibet.
China believes:
  1. Tibetan Autonomous Region is historically an ethnically mixed region, so no question of separate homeland.
  2. Tibetan civilization was never unified under a single Tibetan ruler, whether Dalai Lama or Panchen Lama.
  3. Tibet has attributed to neo-liberal reforms and the penetration of market relations to all aspects of Chinese life.
  4. Chinese society has grown economically, covering all ethnic populations.
It is impossible to know how the Tibetan diaspora will react to the passing of the Dalai Lama
India’s Stand should be:
  1. India has accepted Tibet as integral part of China, so there is no way around.
  2. Tibetan nightmare can disrupts Border issue with China.
  3. India must strongly oppose any inhuman activities in Tibet.
  4. India must allow exile government of Tibet trying to control political situation in TAR.
  5. Any matter on Dalai Lama’s reincarnation must be ignored, because it is matter of faith and not politics.
Tibet has remained biggest stone in balancing ties with China; India must act consciously considering western opinions also on Tibetan problem, but without enraging Chinese aspiration and expectation towards India.
Recently China rejected ‘Middle Way Path’ advocated by Dalai Lama to resolve the Tibet issue. Examine what ‘Middle Way’ path advocates and how does India view this path. (200 Words)
As Tibetans don’t accept current status of the Tibet under the China. But they also do not seek independence for Tibet. Thus Dalai Lama’s Middle Path advocates to peacefully resolve the issue of Tibet and to bring about stability and co-existence between peoples based on equality and mutual co-operation.
Middle Path advocates the policy & means to achieve genuine autonomy for all Tibetans living in the three provinces of Tibet within the framework of the People’s Republic of China.
The Middle Path called for democratic rule of administration
It is Win-Win-Win strategy where 3rd stakeholder being the neighbours countries major being India.
    1. For Tibetans: the protection and preservation of their culture, religion and national identity;
    2. For the Chinese: the security and territorial integrity of the motherland; and for neighbours
    3. For neighbour countries: peaceful borders and better international relations to boost economic relation.
As China rejected the Middle Path & called it propaganda to achieve independence is a major setback for India.
Allowing Dalai Lama exile in India, seen as major bone of contention, as Chinese view it as India interference in their internal issue.
Also the Path would brought peace in its N-E Area and thus provided major thrust for economic development of the area. for their provinces. It will never seek separation and allows limited Chinese military.



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