For Essay on India


  • India should not only be strong from within but also respected world over
Can be used in essays related to:
  • International Relations
  • Educations (That education should be such which instil this values in children)
  • Ideal India/ India of dreams etc.
  • Socio-Economic well-being of the poorest citizen of India, as exemplified by the idea of Mahatma Gandhi Talisman
It can be stated as the goal of all Indians. Can be used in essays related to administration, education, corruption etc.
  • India, is the land of the Buddha, Mahavira and Mahatama Gandhi, the greatest proponents of ahimsa.
It show that value of tolerance, peaceful coexistence etc. are inbuilt in India’s way of thinking which is needed in today’s world
  • As an ancient civilisation, India has been world-renowned for its profound philosophy and splendid culture, which made great contributions to human development. As an emerging country, India’s widely acclaimed economic growth and social vitality have secured this country an influential position in the world. Past and present glories have come together to lend strength to India’s ambitious march towards national prosperity. On the other side of the Himalayas, the Chinese nation has also written its own chapter in the history of human civilisation and created thriving miracles. Throughout history, the Chinese and Indian civilisations have maintained exchanges and learned from each other. With the East’s unique wisdom and charm, the two nations have jointly erected powerful pillars for the civilisation of the East, and contributed their share to world peace and development.
  • Human capacity has been a key determinant in the rise of nations. Even today, the race among nations is not necessarily won by those with immense resources, but by those who have the capacity to make the most effective use of those resources for building the nation. That capacity is directly related to the ability to make effective public policies and to implement these policies effectively. A good public policy with poor implementation is of no value and significance to society and nation
  • When the architects of our nation wrote the magnificent words of the constitution, they were signing a promissory note to which every Indian was to fall heir. This  note was a promise that all men would be guaranteed the unalienable rights of life and dignity. It is obvious that India has defaulted on this promissory note.
Now is the time to make real promises of democracy. Now is the time to lift our nation from the quicksand of racial injustice to solid rock of brotherhood.
  • We have to build the noble mansion of free India where all her children may dwell
  • We are citizens of a great country on the verge of bold advance and we have to live up to that high standard
  • Vision of India
Food for every mouth
Work for every hand
Spark in every eye and
Joy in every soul
Can be used to conclude the essay.
  • India is an ancient civilisation, yet a modern state with modern dreams.
  • A nation is very young at 68. India has the will, energy, intellect, values and unity to claim the 21st century. The vision to win the battle of freedom from poverty is set; The journey will seem formidable only to those without conviction. As an old saying goes ” SIDDHIR BHAVATI KARMAJA”, which means, “SUCCESS IS BORN OUT OF ACTION”.
Now is the time for action.
  • Indian unity is not something imposed from outside but rather it is something deeper and within its fold, the wildest tolerance of belief and custom was practised and every variety is acknowledged and even encouraged. (Nehru in Discovery of India)
  • Gandhi’s reply when asked, in 1946, to describe the independent India he wished to see. Drawing a geometric picture, Gandhi said he wanted “not a pyramid but an oceanic circle” of complete equality. In such a circle, “the last would be first, in fact there would be no first and no last”, and the individual citizen, not a president or prime minister, would occupy the circle’s centre (Harijan, July 28, 1946).
  • India of Mahatma Gandhi’s Dreams: I shall work for an India in which the poorest shall feel that it is their country, in whose making they have an effective voice, an India in which there shall be no high class and low class of people, an India in which all communities shall live in perfect harmony. There shall be no room in such an India for the curse of untouchability. Women will enjoy same rights as men. We shall be at peace with the rest of the world.
This is India of my dreams.
(The caravans of people from all parts of the world kept on coming and settling in India and led to the formation of India.)
  • Our country has thrived due to its power of assimilation and tolerance. Multiplicity is our collective strength, which must be preserved at all costs – Pranab Mukherjee
  • “India is an old country,

But a young nation.

We are impatient, I am impatient.

And I too have a dream of an India –

Strong, Independent and Self-reliant”

   – Rajiv Gandhi

  • Guided by the principle of Antyodaya, our government is dedicated to the poor, marginalised and those left behind
  • Artificial distinction between Bharat and India : Sectoral, sectional, regional disparities and inequalities
  • India occupies about 2.4% landmass and accounts for almost 17% of people with about 27% BPL : Magnitude of challenges faced by India
  • We have to make India’s development journey a “jan andolan” as Gandhiji did to freedom struggle; everyone must feel he or she is working or India’s progress
  • “Ek Bharat, Shreshtha Bharat”
  • “If there is heaven on earth, it is in India” – Max Muller
  • Team India – A team of 125 crore Indians
  • Indian Talent + Information Technology = India Tomorrow
  • India is a land of most ancient order of monks in the world
  • India has sheltered the persecuted and the refugees of all regions and all nations of the earth
  • As Pandit Nehru envisioned, India has a tryst with her destiny which we must fulfil for her. After all what is India but we, ourselves?
Good Read:



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