Life Expectancy

What do you understand by Life Expectancy? Based on recent data, analyse life expectancy trends for men and women in India. (200 Words)

Life expectancy refers to the perceived life longevity of a person, based on their living conditions, family history and other external factors, which can change while migrating from one place to another (like access to health facilities, etc.) The life expectancy has made a steady progress. It increased from a no in 30s after independence to around 66 as per the 2011 census.
  1. Historically, women have lived longer than men, due to various biological and psychological advantages. But due to the recent change in lifestyle of women, when they are trying to balance home and work life, they are also suffering from, what were once categorised as men‘s diseases.
  2. Due to such observations, it has been seen that the life expectancy gap has decreased considerably decreased between both genders.
  3. Also, the life expectancy is increasing for both, in old age, due to the increased medical facilities, in most countries, which has led to a decrease in death rate, with the financially pronounced living longer.
  4. But taking account of the prevalent patriarchal traditions in India, it has been seen that life expectancy of females is low in rural areas.
  5. Regional Change – Unsurprisingly, states like Kerala which, in spite of lower economic growth, spend the most on social security schemes fare the best. At the same time even the richer states like Gujarat, where public expenditure is less, lag behind.



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