Vembanad Lake – UPSC Prelims

  • Vembanad Lake: It is the longest lake in India and the largest lake in the state of Kerala. The lake is situated at sea level and is separated from the Laccadive Sea by a narrow barrier island.
  • Other Names: The lake is also known as Punnamada Lake (in Kuttanad) and Kochi Lake (in Kochi).
  • Significance: Vallam Kali (a.k.a Nehru Trophy Boat Race) is a Snake Boat Race held every year in the month of August in Vembanad Lake.
  • Ramsar Site: In 2002, the lake was included in the list of wetlands of international importance, as defined by the Ramsar Convention. It is the second-largest Ramsar site in India, only after the Sunderbans in West Bengal.
  • Bird Sanctuary: The Kumarakom Bird Sanctuary is located on the east coast of the lake.
  • Unique Characteristic: The unique characteristic of the lake is the Thanneermukkom saltwater barrier. It was constructed as a part of the Kuttanad Development Scheme to prevent tidal action and intrusion of saltwater into the Kuttanad low-lands.

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