INDCs : Role of States – UPSC GS3

States must devise their emission mitigation plans, suited to their structure of emissions, state characteristics and development agenda for achieving Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC)
What is needed for achieving NDC?
  • Using energy-efficient appliances: such as LED bulbs and Star ratings of refrigerators, air conditioners.
  • Higher share of renewable energy: with efficient fossil-based power plants and retiring old, polluting and expensive power plants.
  • Reduce losses in transmission and distribution of power: and reduce diesel generators or captive power plants.
  • Efficient public transport: like electric vehicles and less polluting vehicles.
Why State specific Climate Mitigation plans are needed?
  • Legislative power of State over key sectors of climate mitigation: such as forests, land use, power, transport and agriculture are state subject or on the concurrent list.
  • Varied state characteristics: in terms of demographics, economic structure and level, resource endowments and available energy resources etc, limits mitigation capability.
Measures needed:
  • Develop climate mitigation capacity building: of all states with national and international finance and technical assistance.
  • Ensure flexibility for achieving a share of total Renewable Energy targets:
    • States should focus on its resource endowment, local expertise, energy demand and costs.
    • For example: North-eastern states can go for a larger share of biomass and less of solar while Gujarat can go beyond its quota with wind and solar.
  • Create a mechanism for tradable NDC quotas: among states, so that the performer state can sell the credits to those that are lagging behind.
  • Provide motivating incentives: such as tax benefits, technical and financial support and awards.
  • Support from Central Nodal Agency:
    • For mobilising technical and financial support and encouraging knowledge sharing among states, holding webinars or group consultations.
    • It may be in the Ministry of environment, forests and climate change or NITI Aayog or a semi-government or public sector agency similar to the Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE).
Conclusion: Inclusive emission mitigation approach (with the involvement of states, cities, institutions, industries and all citizens) and policy flexibility, financial incentives and institutional and technical capacity building at all levels will pave the way for achieving NDCs.
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